Can I wear wedge ankle boots with fur? First, congratulations on the new boots! I think you will really like them once you try them on. I don’t know about a fur wedge ankle boot, but I do know that there are many leather and suede ankle boots shoes that can be worn with fur or a faux fur lining. The wedge heel should not to be too high, and the top of the shoe should not to be too tight.
Second, I do agree that wedge boots are not the best style for slipping on over your feet. There are a few things that you can do. One would be to sand the leather down a bit to make it softer, and then smooth out any rough edges. This will help with the slipping problem. The leather may still feel stiff at first, but after lacing up the boots, it may feel better – this is because it’s hardening and becoming more flexible.
You may not know this, but wedge ankle boots with fur are a very trendy combination this season. You can wear these shoes to work or on a date. If you choose the latter, your date may get you a pair of these shoes after he witnesses your look. Since they are so popular, it’s important to know how to wear ankle boots with fur coats. Keep reading for some great ideas.
Let’s start with how to wear ankle boots with a fur. These shoes come in many different styles. Some are solid and others have different types of patterns on them. The one thing they all have in common is that they have fur on them in some way. You will want to wear these shoes simply because it makes sense to do so.
Make sure the overall outfit and shoes compliment each other instead of contrast. You don’t want to look like a Christmas tree with oversized clothes and tiny shoes. If you pick a big coat, you will want to choose small shoes. If you choose a small coat, then you can wear large ankle boots. Just remember the bigger the coat, the bigger your shoe has to be. Another thing that is important about wearing ankle boots with fur is that they should match in color or compliment each other.