Today I am here to speak about ways how to style Wellington boots with your favorite jeans. So you’re cruising the streets of your city on a wet day and all of a sudden you get drenched, then all you can think about is how uncomfortable your feet are. It’s time to let out your feet from that tight shoe prison before they start looking like Christmas hams due to swelling, and slip into some warm waterproof boots.
Wellington boots have been steadily rising in popularity over recent years, not only for those who work outdoors but also as fashionable accessories for people who don’t do anything at all. They can be worn in the cold winter months or even the rainy season.
But you might have a problem when it comes to matching your jeans with your boots. Today’s trend is about going bold and getting away from the ordinary pair of jeans and shoes combination… There are various ways to pull off the combo, just make sure you don’t go overboard and end up looking like an over-the-top fashion victim.
Boots and jeans combine to create a very casual look which can still be fun, funky and fashionable. However, you have to know how to put them together properly so that your look does not end up looking like an innocent accident. The following are some of the best ways you can match yourWellingtonboots with various jeans styles:
Blue Jeans
The first, most obvious way is to just wear a pair of blue jeans. Mixing a pair of blue jeans with your Wellington boots is still a classy way to go, even when you are wearing a casual outfit. If you’re going for it all out then make sure not to go too crazy on the accessories.
Black Jeans
The second option is to match your black jeans with your brand new Wellies… This look is also very stylish and sophisticated. Boots look fantastic with black jeans, but if you already have a pair of black boots then this choice isn’t going to yield any change in your look. For this particular option, you can have fun with socks, you gonna need a pair of socks and wear them so that only the upper part of your socks would be visible.
White Jeans
The third option is to match your white denim jeans with your brand new rain boots. Wear the boot with some fun, funky accessories like studs and fringes for a particularly stylish look. If you don’t choose to style it up too much then just ensure that you are in sync with the theme of the color of your pants and show some class by wearing matching colors. It is also possible to go for a funky look by wearing some bright colored boots with your white jeans. They will be able to add some life to the overall style.
Grey Jeans
The combinations of jean and boots are endless. But the one that is becoming more popular is the combination of grey jeans and Wellington boots. Not only do they look really good together, but you can also jazz it up by wearing different color accessories. For example, go for a pair of grey colored boots that don’t look too goth or punkish and instead look classy. For this combi, you can choose either khaki colored boots or black ones. Khaki goes well with grey jeans and it is a color that can be worn by anyone. There is a hybrid between the two. It’s a combination of navy and grey jean boots which looks surprisingly good on the feet. Or if you love to wear jeans and go for khaki colored ones instead.