There are different types of footwear that can be worn with casual outfits. Girls may wear athletic shoes, sneakers, flips flops, flat shoes or sandals. I personally am a big fan of Vans trainers and today I bring you this marvelous Fall collection of outfit ideas you can easily wear from Mondays to Sundays. Vans were made for girls that love skateboarding or for others who would like to look like one. They can be worn with a variety of casual outfits, from dresses to jeans, from shorts and T-shirts to whatever you want.
Girl’s first pair of sneakers should be comfortable, since they will eventually be in the closet for many years. You should be able to wear them daily, even if it’s just from time to time when you have an early morning class that lasts a short time.
Vans are really the ultimate casual sneakers. They are the best shoes to wear when you feel like wearing a pair of sneakers but don’t want to wear them without anything over them. The downside is that they can get dirty pretty easily, so you have to be careful and clean them often.
Vans are great for casual outfits, especially if you don’t feel like wearing socks with them. They can all be worn with shorts and t-shirts. The flip flops and strappy sandals can also be worn with dresses as well, but they have a tendency to get dirty in a short time. If you wear them in the rain, then you should use protection like socks or other shoes that don’t come with sandals. Either way, they will go perfectly with your outfit and they’ll add a touch of casualness to it.
Here are some ways you can wear Vans this Fall:
Make sure you have black Vans sneakers, then you’ll be able to wear them with many other colors. A dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt are great for everyday use when the weather is a bit chilly outside. We’ve got plenty of color options for both the T-shirt and jeans, so choose what works best for your style or mood. Don’t forget to layer up your look by adding a fancy leather jacket on.
If you want to wear something more stylish and elegant, then choosing a bright red long sleeved shirt is a good start. I’ve also paired it with blue jeans but you can put on your favorite pants. A pair of black Vans sneakers is all that’s missing at the moment, find them in your closet and you’re ready to go.
It seems like the white T-shirt is here to stay this season. I personally love it so I decided to use one in another outfit. This time around I’ve paired it with my favorite dark blue skirt, but you can definitely wear jeans or leggings if you wish so. Vans trainers will make the look complete, so remember to put them on before leaving home.
It’s a great idea to pair a blouse with trainers, this way you’ll be able to dress up your outfit while staying casual at the same time. I’ve chosen a high quality one just for you, it looks absolutely amazing with blue jeans and classic Vans.
It seems that the retro style is here to stay this season too. I think it makes sense since Vans are also made in retro style.
You can also wear a skirt or shorts with sneakers, it’s up to you what kind of look you’d like to go for. Now we’re going to take a look at some sneakers that are very popular and stylish this season: