How to combine skirts with sneakers? The best method is to wear a nice skirt and top with a pair of casual running shoes. This way you look feminine but you can still run when needed. Some girls will put on their sporty jacket or sweater over and the last thing is the sneakers, but I recommend to start from your shoes.
When you are choosing your sneakers, remember that they are not dressy at all and so you should not get one that has laces or anything too fancy to it. The most important thing is comfort over appearance. You want a pair of sneakers that is cute and fashionable, but you do not want them to be the dominant feature of your outfit.
You can also go for tennis shoes if you do not like the idea of running shoes. Tennis shoes are similar in appearance to your everyday shoe but they are lighter and more airy. White is always a good choice because it will match with just about any outfit.
Another option that is becoming increasingly popular right now is cute slip-on canvas shoes. They have a feminine touch without looking like you have spent too much time thinking about which pair to wear on your feet. They are great for the summer, but you can wear them any other time of the year as well. Vans is a popular brand that makes these shoes. They are really versatile and the price is not too bad either. You can get a gorgeously colored pair of Vans slip ons to take your whole outfit up a notch.
Another option that is gaining momentum right now is vintage sneakers. To have a pair of old sneakers is to have an heirloom piece in your wardrobe that you can pass down to your children or grandchildren when they get married. This is a great idea because you will never have to buy another pair of sneakers again. You get to have the same look every time. You can also wear them as much as you want without damaging your feet.
There are many different types of vintages that come in white and even some that come in black, brown and other colors that can be worn with nearly any outfit imaginable.
When deciding on sneakers, think about your fashion sense. A lot of girls like to pick a pair of flashy sneakers that have an unusual color or design. Others like to go for the classic all-white pair. You can also choose a trendy pair that is popular right now but not for too long because it will eventually become old news. Whatever you do, be sure that your sneakers match the rest of your outfit and your overall image.
Another thing to keep in mind is the age group you belong to and the place you go to in general. If there are a lot of young girls out there with their jerseys on, then you should try and wear a more fashionable option so you will stand out from them. If there are older people wearing casual sneakers, you should definitely go with that instead of trying to look young and hip when you actually belong somewhere else.
1. Basic sneakers and pencil skirts
You can wear them with different types of skirts. The pencil skirt is a very classic and practical type of skirt. This outfit idea will be perfect for every casual outfit, for example, if you would like to go to the city or visit friends near the park and similar places – it’s a fresh and fashionable look for you!
Go out in the city to meet your friends with this smart look. The light-colored sneakers are perfect shoes to blend with these skirts. It’s rather comfortable sneakers for running errands, for walking around the city and it’s one of the most popular types of sneakers.
2. Coordinate your petite skirts with sneakers
Try wearing these types of skirts with sneakers such as Vans, high-tops, they are great for this. This red color is perfect for young women. And don’t forget about your accessories – choose a pair of round sunglasses that will suit your outfit!
3. Wear a lace skirt with sneakers
Lace is one of the trendy types of skirts for this spring. The choice of shoes for such outfit is not big – you can wear casual sneakers, if you want to look classy and stylish, you can wear elegant kicks with lace.
It’s a very feminine and elegant combination that will make the outfit more diverse and elegant. Sneakers are perfect for this look. Be careful, don’t overdo it!
4. Complete your look with white sneakers
It’s very good idea to wear white sneakers with skirts. The main thing is to choose the right color of the skirt and make sure they are stylish and elegant, as you want to make a perfect impression on other people.