Yes, you can wear sneakers with shorts. It is very popular to wear athletic shoes with shorts. The matching of stylish shorts with sneakers not only adds fashion to your appearance but also a casual and fashionable look.
If you are not comfortable wearing sneakers with classic kicks, try wearing stylish high top trainers or low top sneakers that have a sporty look. Wearing these kinds of sneakers will still give you the casual and sporty look that you are looking for.
If you are wearing sneakers, usually shorts will be a good combination with it, but you can also try them with jeans, skirts, chinos or dress pants. Therefore, it is rare to see people wearing sneakers and suit at the same time. For instance, if you are someone who likes athletic activities or you are an athlete, wearing sneakers and suit is not what you need. This is because you are always running and jumping around. In addition to that, you will sweat a lot when engaging in sports activities. Sneakers will help wick out the moisture from your feet and shorts will be the best choice for hot weather activities.
If you are a woman who loves to wear stylish sneakers without changing the look of your entire outfit, then you will surely be pleased to know that you can also wear your sneakers with shorts.
When choosing your shoes for the shorts, you need to consider your height. You should choose your shoes according to your height. Don’t go for sneakers that are too high on you feet, because it will ruin the look of the whole shorts and sneakers combination. The other factor that you need to consider is color. The color of the shoe should match the color of your shorts in order to create a fashion statement with them, but you can still mismatch the colors and create something unique.
When you are planning to wear your sneakers with shorts, you must be comfortable. You should never wear a pair of sneakers that are too small or if the fit is tight and uncomfortable. Too small shoes or those that do not fit well are not very stylish.
When you wear sneakers with shorts, you do not need to change the whole outfit just for wearing your sneakers, because you can simply add some accessories to your outfit such as bags. While walking or running around, you need to ensure that the footwear will give you comfort. You can choose colored and comfortable sneakers.